I am not a mover. My “joke” anytime I’m at a workshop with expressive movement is that I don’t move my arms. I’m not comfortable with it, I dislike doing it, and I feel about as awkward trying it as I felt doing anything when I was a...
Passing games are a music class staple. They are FUN, they teach social interaction, they teach passing instead of throwing like you picked up a stone covered in hot lava…All kidding aside, passing games are awesome activities that can be inexpensive, fun, and...
Apple themed lessons are a fall classic and there are some great activities for apples that can give your lessons a seasonal feel. There is no shortage of great apple activities, songs, and books, so here are some of my favorites apple themed activities for elementary...
Summer break can definitely mean vacations. Even if it’s a stay-cation because gas prices are ridiculous, sometimes, if you have kids, they still want a souvenir or tchotchke. These cheap toys for music class are the common...
Back in 2011, I taught at a Montessori where one day a week I had grades 1-5 together for an hour. Not exactly an easy class to plan for. One day, the students came in and had obviously had “a day”. You know what I mean. They were begging to play a game...
This time of year we are always looking for extra performance ideas. I’ve talked about a “play along” for The Nutcracker March that would work well so I thought I’d create one to help you teach it! Let’s talk details: Age Range I’ve...
I’m a busy music teacher located near Metro Detroit, MI. I help busy music teachers who want highly engaging materials for student led learning so they can take time for themselves.
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