I am not a mover. My “joke” anytime I’m at a workshop with expressive movement is that I don’t move my arms. I’m not comfortable with it, I dislike doing it, and I feel about as awkward trying it as I felt doing anything when I was a...
This time of year we are always looking for extra performance ideas. I’ve talked about a “play along” for The Nutcracker March that would work well so I thought I’d create one to help you teach it! Let’s talk details: Age Range I’ve...
Steady Beat Listening These are some great songs to listen to that have a really solid steady beat. They are great for playing instruments, body percussion or locomotor/non-locomotor music. Some of these are available in Kidzbop versions. Hoe-down from “Rodeo”...
Creativity should be an essential part of music education. Not only can we include small creative elements into our lessons, but we can include bigger creative activities for our students as well. For ideas to incorporate small creative elements into class, check out...
Teaching in a restricted environment is no fun at all. I get it. This is why I think it’s important to have awesome lessons that don’t even feel like the students are missing out on anything. I wrote these 6 lessons for COVID teaching to help you out. ...
So the idea of teaching movement right now seems so bizarre. We can’t touch each other or get close so what are the things we can adapt? Here’s a huge list of movement ideas for COVID teaching whether your kids are at home or in person but socially...
I’m a busy music teacher located near Metro Detroit, MI. I help busy music teachers who want highly engaging materials for student led learning so they can take time for themselves.
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