Five Favorite Pins of October

Five Favorite Pins of October

I am participating in my first ever Linky Party with Mrs. Miracle's Room.  Find the original post here. These are my five favorite pins from October! 1. This pin from The Sweetest Melody is a…...
A few Sub Tub ideas

A few sub-tub ideas!

I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I'm starting to feel the tug of a stretched out immune system and fall weather! I hope these are some things you can add to your sub tub!! For your younger students who desperately want to write music, this is a fun practice activity.  They draw…...
My Big Beef

My Big Beef

Last year, while teaching my students the state song, "Michigan, My Michigan", the song I learned growing up, I discovered this is a lie.  In prepping my lesson, I found that this is not the true state song.  So the following class time, while telling them about this discovery, I instead had to tell my…...
Music Centers

Music Centers 

So I've had a few requests about how I started making centers for my classroom.  I've been working on it  what seems nonstop all summer, so I have a decent amount ready…...

I’m a busy music teacher located near Metro Detroit, MI. I help busy music teachers who want highly engaging materials for student led learning so they can take time for themselves.

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