Manipulatives in the elementary music classroom are one of the greatest tools we have. They are an engaging way to get students involved hands on without having to write. Writing notes is definitely a skill and necessity but sometimes you want to focus on a task that...
Naughty Kitty Cat is a staple in my classroom. Not only can I use it to teach multiple concepts, I get to employ a puppet, it’s a fun game, and it’s one students ask for repeatedly. Let’s explore some of the ways I use Naughty Kitty Cat in my...
Teaching without a budget is ROUGH. STUFF. And I’ve been there several times. If you are looking to supplement your classroom on a tight budget (aka – yours or a very small amount that is provided to you), you can do it for just under $30! Bingo Chips...
This 3-part post was drawn from my presentation for the Michigan Kodaly Educators in September of 2019. Solfege…even the most quiet whisper of the word is enough to awaken our PTSD from undergrad and sight singing and ear training. All kinds of music...
A few years ago, I was feeling SUPER frustrated with my recorder curriculum. I didn’t see the retention I wanted, left hands were everywhere but on top even with reminders, students memorizing and forgetting, and memorizing those songs for belt tests… WHY?...
I’m a busy music teacher located near Metro Detroit, MI. I help busy music teachers who want highly engaging materials for student led learning so they can take time for themselves.
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