It creeps up on us, sometimes we forget that we need to teach it, and other times we realize we need to teach it differently. Concert etiquette is something that needs to be part of the music curriculum, and it’s not just the students. Here’s some tips for...
I recently talked about how concerts AREN’T everything. BUT, they ARE still a part of life. And not only are they a part of life, but sometimes you can’t help the situation. They may be required, your school may have specific performances that are done...
Yup. Backwards. When I first started having to do concerts, I was super caught up in picking music, then picking parts, then picking this and that, etc. But I never saw where I was going. After a couple times through the wringer, and a few years feeling panicked about...
Spring seems like a long way a way but for those of us who prep student concerts, we know that concert season starts way before that date is a glimmer in families’ calendars. One of the most time intensive parts of teaching students the lyrics to their songs. If...
I’m a busy music teacher located near Metro Detroit, MI. I help busy music teachers who want highly engaging materials for student led learning so they can take time for themselves.
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