Guest Post: Teaching Songs in a New Language? Tips & Tricks to Do it with Confidence with Larena Code Boyle

Hey all! This week I've asked my friend Larena to talk about something she's awesome at: teaching songs in different languages. I hope you get as much out of this post as I did! Hi, my name is Larena Code Boyle; I teach elementary music in Chicago, IL. I’m lucky enough to have both my…...

The Big Game: Football Fun for Music Class

As the BIG football game of the year comes up, everyone has football fever. Whether you watch for the game, or the commercials, or you watch for the music or just enjoy some snacks, people do get into the Super Bowl. Even though my Lions aren't playing, I think it's important to acknowledge something that…...

Michigan Music Conference 2025 Preview

Since the Michigan Music Conference has been eating my life the last few weeks, I thought I'd give you a quick preview of what I've got coming up at my sessions at the Michigan Music Conference later this week. For those of you not in Michigan, I hope you can grab a few things out…...

Why Write the Room is the Right Idea for Music Class

When I first started teaching, I saw Write the Rooms and thought they were simply a filler activity. After a few years, and some enlightenment, here's why I think using a Write the Room is the right idea in the music class. 1. Practice Makes Perfect When we learn to write, the alphabet, we practice.…...

What to Teach After Winter Break in Elementary Music Class

Back to school in January feels like a reset. And it is! Everyone has been off schedule, staying up too late, eating off schedule, and chances are, being a bit lazy (in a good way!) How do you get back into the swing of things without feeling like you've been hit with a big jolt?…...

12 Days of Music

It's back! Today, December 26, 2024, starts my 12 Days of Music!! I'm featuring 12 daily deals on some of my best sellers and most wish-listed items. Day 1 This Visual Schedule for Music Class. A visual schedule is important for ALL students not just students with autism, PDD-NOS, or ADHD. With 112 cards presented…...

I’m a busy music teacher located near Metro Detroit, MI. I help busy music teachers who want highly engaging materials for student led learning so they can take time for themselves.

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