We’re almost there. December in the music class is always crazy, and this year it’s even more insane.
I don’t want you to drown, so I thought back on experience teaching and asked around to come up with these 5 ways to make it through December in your music class.
- Find awesome resources
- Play some awesome games
- Kids students a chance to compose their own holiday songs
- Holiday song rhythm play-alongs
- Give yourself permission to take a break
Check out the rest of the post for more details and resources.
1. Surviving December
This blog post from 2018 has some awesome ideas: a fun Nutcracker play along my friend Joan taught me, some of my favorite seasonal items from my friends and more, that might help you out right now.
2. Ugly Sweater Games
If you are looking for some interactive games, check out my Ugly Sweater games on TpT. Rhythm and Solfege concepts, you can even play online if you have to have the kids tell you which one press.
3. Holiday Composing
This set is NOT just Christmas composing – it also has Hanukkah and Winter themes. So you don’t have to spend more money to get all of them.
Pick what works for you, let your kids pick and never worry if you change schools that you will have the one you’ll need for our community.
Not only is this something you could send a few pages home for distance learning, but the winter set will keep you going through back to school in January.
4. Rhythm Play Alongs
Like this adorable one from Ready Go Music on YouTube, there are bunches of them online. I found several by searching “Christmas rhythm play along”.
Easy to send home for kids to play with found sounds or body percussion if they are distance learning.
5. Permission
You have permission to show a video to get by.
You have permission to take a mental health day.
Order yourself something, have an adult beverage, or an extra piece of chocolate.
You have permission to do the things you need to do to keep yourself sane.
You have permission to say no.
Go ahead and cancel something.
You have permission to put yourself first.
You have permission to not bring work home.
Spend your evening on something not school-related.
Remember you are replaceable at work but not at home.
I hope these 5 ways to survive December in your music classroom help you recharge and make it through. Don’t forget to take time for yourself and come back strong!
Melissa, those “permissions” are gold. So many teachers I know are working themselves to the bone right now, and we all need the reminders to put ourselves first! Thank you!
I have to write stuff like this out for myself all the time too. It’s so hard to do.