A couple tips:
-Try to pick songs that really drive home the elements you are preparing. It’s important it isn’t just a passing note.
– Don’t skip on the prepare phase. Preparing the concept is really the most important part of the process.
-Don’t rush just because you don’t see the kids a lot. It’s more important that the concepts are taught well and the kids understand it than you are stuck to making sure you are ‘on time’ with the sequencing.Here are 3 great songs for a double duty music room:
1) Here Comes a Bluebird {Ta-a} {La}
This is a great song for La and Ta-a (Ta-o, Half Note, whatever you call it), and the game is pretty simple as well. In this game, children are in a circle with arms up serving as arches and one child weaves in an out of the circle under the arches. When the words “take a little partner,” are sung, this child takes a partner, and with both hands joined they face each other and galop out through the opening where the child was taken from the ring, and back again, or dance the same around inside the ring. The first child joins the ring, the partner becomes the bluebird, and the game is repeated.
2. Bow Wow Wow {Ta Rest} {Do} {Re}
The Game: Students are in a circle and facing a partner. On the words “bow wow wow” students stomp to the beat, but not on the rest. On the words “whose dog are thou” the children point up and down to the beat with opposite hands, again, doing nothing on the rest. On “Little Tommy Tucker’s dog”, they grab hands, switch places, and continue to sing “bow wow wow” (with the stomps). On the last beat, the rest, the children jump around to face the person behind them and they all should have new partners. The song and game begin again.3. Lil Liza Jane {Syn-co-pa} {High Do}