When you are in school, there are all these random days we celebrate which translates to fun. And teachers trying to come up with ideas for what to do.
Here is a list of ideas for 100s day in music class.

  • Compose and play 100 measures.
  • List 100 songs you know.
  • Read 100 rhythms or solfege patters broken up by class so kids don’t have to read all 100. Then you can say “Students at insertschoolnamehere read 100 rhythms today!”
  • Sing 100 bottles of pop.
  • Write 100 reasons you love music class (broken up by class!)
  • 100 items scavenger hunt in the music room.
  • Listen to music from 100 years ago!
  • Learn about a composer from 100 years ago.
  • How many type of note (whole, half, etc) will it take to make 100 beats. Let students write their own rhythms.
  • Color or write 100 notes.
  • I Can Count to 100 by Jack Hartmann.
  • If your school gets into dressing up as 100 year olds, songs about elderly people.
  • One Zero Zero from Music K8. Find it here.
  • One Hundred Days from Music K8. Find it here.

I hope this gives you some ideas!

Melissa Stouffer-1

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