Music Ed Games: Post Office

Post Office is a fun game that is perfect for practicing decoding rhythms and patterns and even works as assessments. Take a look at how you play this fun game which is perfect for quick individual assessments! Set Up: Print pattern cards, cut, and place them all in an envelope with a number on it.…...

Using Books in the Elementary Music Class

There is an abundance of literature for the music classroom and even more children’s literature that isn’t musical, but is definitely usable in the music room. There are a plethora of ways we can use books in the classroom (which is great if your admin is on a literacy kick), so let’s take a look…...

Developing a Sequence

Sequence for concepts is a really big thing that doesn't get talked about often. If you are struggling to figure out what's next, let's chat about how you develop a sequence. Creating your own only works if you've had the time, and opportunity, to take tons of songs and analyze them and put them into…...

3 Spanish Folk Songs for Your K-2 Elementary Music Class

Today I have a guest post from Caitlin at Hale Yeah Designs. She's sharing three of her favorite Spanish folk songs for K-2. I know and love two of these but one is new to me! I hope you can use these in your classroom! If you've ever taught in a diverse classroom, you know…...

Easy Rhythm Manipulatives

Manipulatives in the elementary music classroom are one of the greatest tools we have. They are an engaging way to get students involved hands on without having to write. Writing notes is definitely a skill and necessity but sometimes you want to focus on a task that writing will make slower, especially if students are…...

Preparing Your Toddler for Piano Lessons

Today's blog is a little different. I thought I'd reach out to my friend Jennifer from Music Educator Resources about piano lessons. Now that I've got my own child who I'd eventually like to put in lessons I was thinking about when parents ask about wanting to get young children in piano lessons. "How can…...

I’m a busy music teacher located near Metro Detroit, MI. I help busy music teachers who want highly engaging materials for student led learning so they can take time for themselves.

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