It’s almost here. A little reprieve and some much deserved rest! Before you run for that door, here are a few things you should do before leaving school for break that later you will thank yourself for. Clear out your rations We all store snacks and such at...
As the school year progresses, stuff breaks. Some of it is irreparable, but other things can be fixed. So what do you need to have on hand to make sure you can fix the easy things? Here’s a basic tool kit that every music teacher should have in their classroom...
A while back I got sick of leaving stuff in different places and thought I’d make some digital things to make my life easier. And somehow, it’s been 10 years since I opened Mrs. Stouffer’s Music Room. I can’t believe it. I thought it would be...
Once August hits, it’s a different game for teachers. Some of our Southern friends are already back, and if you are in the North like me, it starts becoming a reality. I thought I’d give a big run down of some of the best things to get prepped and get for Back to...
Music teachers are often islands in our buildings. The “specials” team definitely feels like a little bit of sympathy but even then, no one quite understands what we do. Sometimes we are the only elementary music teacher in our district. So how do you find...
As the school year closes, we reflect on our previous year and look forward to our time to recharge. We also tend to think ahead for next year. June is Pride Month and a great time to reflect on our current practices with regard to gendered practices in the classroom....
I’m a busy music teacher located near Metro Detroit, MI. I help busy music teachers who want highly engaging materials for student led learning so they can take time for themselves.
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