The Kodály-Aspiring Recorder Method Level One

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If you are over constant assessments but little retention, squeaking on the low end, overblowing, and kids saying they “don’t know how it goes”, then this is for you! 

205 pages – Zip


If you are over constant assessments but little retention, squeaking on the low end, overblowing, and kids saying they “don’t know how it goes”, then this is for you!

This recorder method will not only eliminate some of the biggest issues in recorder teaching, but it will incorporate the knowledge your kids already have. Don’t start at the beginning. Start with what they KNOW. Using solfege and rhythm syllables, your kids will apply their knowledge to reading music faster.

Teaching letters first is completely abstract. They aren’t ‘alphabetical’ — do we really ever go BAG in real life? No! So when you try to learn a fingering and with a letter that isn’t in order, that can be very frustrating! Teach by previous knowledge and add the note name after the fingering is comfortable!

Download the preview to see the full teacher and student books.

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REVIEWS ARE IN! The Kodaly-Aspiring Recorder is just what you need to get out of the recorder blues!

“LOVE this resource!! I used it last year with my beginning recorder students and they easily picked up on reading and playing music.”

“I am so excited to start using this resource with my fourth graders this year! I think this method will fit my teaching style much better than Recorder Karate was, and I love that there are so many songs to practice each concept!”

“I’ve been looking for something to push the students further than Recorder Karate!! Thank you!”


How this recorder method works:

It seems like there is always one. There is that one student that can’t play the recorder pieces because they can’t hear how it is ‘supposed to sound’. They are frustrated, and you are frustrated with them.

This method uses what they already know: solfege and rhythm syllables. Focusing on the introduction of the fingering instead of the note name helps students understand by using a known concept instead of the idea of note names which can be very abstract for some kids. 

This system lends itself well to a ‘belt’ system too if you wish. Each belt would be at the completion of a concept/set of concepts. Some concepts are grouped together, others appear separate. The rhythmic concepts are not emphasized in this system, however, the first few are introduced with the solfege to review. Some rhythmic elements are not introduced in sequence to ensure that folk songs deal with only the solfege elements that have been introduced already.

All solfege elements are practiced with 5 songs, rhythmic elements do not always have 5. Before students play each song, make sure they have been introduced to every concept in the song. I’ve included other musical elements such as repeats, anacrusis, ties, rounds, and time signature changes. Many of these do not happen until the later concepts when the children are more comfortable with the mechanics. Some rhythm elements are also meant to be returned to due to the difficulty of the solfege concept.

In addition to being relatable concepts, this system also relies on widely known folk songs. This is also to help those kids that just need to hear it to play it as a beginner. Students can still practice at home once they have sung the songs in class but this must occur before they bring it home to practice.

This method doesn’t deal with moveable do, or key signatures so that students can truly relate the solfege they know to the notes they are playing. Due to Do being fixed at C, low la and low sol do not appear but will be introduced in level 2 of the series when key changes and chromatics are introduced. If you’ve prepped them that do moves with other activities, it won’t be an issue later on if you don’t get to level 2.

Also, if you work in a district that utilizes fixed-do in upper choral classes, they’ll have an advantage!

Fingering charts do not include the letter names, but rather, a line for kids to write it in once they have learned it.


  • Teacher Manual
  • Student Book
  • Classroom Posters for recorder fingerings with solfege. (3 print options with and without letter names) See them here: Solfege Recorder Fingering Posters

Does not include

  • Practice Set Slideshows
  • Worksheets

****Read more about the curriculum here: Kodaly Recorder Blog Post

Download the preview to see the Teacher Manual and the Student Book.

Check out the sample pack of the Kodály-Aspiring Recorder

Kodaly Concepts Covered in the following order:

  • Sol/Mi & Ta/Ti-Ti (So/Mi option included)
  • La & Ta Rest
  • Do & Half Note
  • Re
  • Tika-Tika
  • Ti Rest & Ti-Tika
  • Tika-Ti
  • Ti (Single Eighth Note)
  • High Do & Split Ti-Ti
  • Fa
  • Syncopa
  • Tam Ti
  • Ti Tam
  • Ti
  • Half Rest & Tim-ka

Resources for the Kodály-Aspiring Recorder Method

Kodaly Recorder Practice Sets and Worksheets

Love the Kodaly recorder?

Check out my Folk Song Files for the Kodály Classroom

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