Next week is Tuesday “TWOsday” February 22, 2022 – 2/22/22. You know I love a good pun, so if you are wanting to celebrate the fun day in your class here are some easy ideas.

Partner Fun

  • Duets
  • Partner songs
  • Folk dances with a partner
  • Any game that has partners
  • Partner in a circle
  • Hand clapping games

Two of something

  • Two instruments such as rhythm sticks or egg shakers
  • Two mallet activities – this would be a great way to keep your normal lesson but a fun way to call attention to it.


  • Pairs of eighth notes
  • Half notes
  • 2/4 time
  • Part work – 1 group keeping an ostinato while the other sings or chants the song counts and even Kindergarten can do this! Other options include partner songs, singing in 2 parts, playing and singing, etc. These are also fun to share with parents and a great way to show off your class if your school uses social media.


If you bring in other arts to your class like dance, ballet would be a good concert for the day. Debunk the tutu myth. Why do ballerinas wear tutus? Do ALL ballerinas HAVE to wear tutus?
You could also combine this with a wonderful Black artist since this is still Black History month and talk about Misty Copeland.


If all else fails, you could do repeat day, because when you do a repeat, you repeat things two times, you repeat things two times. This might be fun. This might be fun.
And if you don’t want to go, as far as repeating everything two times, do everything two times. Read the rhythm twice, go through the dance twice, play the game twice. That might be an easy way to continue with the lesson plans you had already planned, but still enjoy the fun of TWOSday.

I hope that this has given you a few ideas for Tuesday. Hopefully you can add one of these ideas in without doing too much changing to your lesson plans.

Melissa Stouffer-1

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