Caterpillar Composing – Great for Distance Learning!
All the tools you need for rhythm composing while distance learning!This set has multiple ways of using so that you can compose with your kids while you aren’t with them with a fun spring theme that not only engages them.
30+ – Zip
All the tools you need for rhythm composing while distance learning!
This set has multiple ways of using so that you can compose with your kids while you aren’t with them with a fun spring theme that not only engages them but makes sure your kids have a spot for each beat.
– 20 worksheets with different rhythmic concepts for 4 and 8 beat patterns, 2 blank solfege pages with 4 and 8 beat patterns.
– 5 projectable caterpillar images in 4:3 and 16:9 for use in your classroom OR…
– Tutorial on how to put in Google slides with moveable composition dots to add to the file so your students can create their own at home without having to figure out a music font.
– Dots for ta, ti-ti, ta rest, tika tika, tika ti, ti tika, tim-ka, ka-tim
– Composition Rubric
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