I recently talked about how concerts AREN’T everything. BUT, they ARE still a part of life. And not only are they a part of life, but sometimes you can’t help the situation. They may be required, your school may have specific performances that are done...
So last week we all saw the Scholastic “article”, if you use the term loosely, “Should Kids Learn Music in School?” where once again music education is up for debate. Again. So here I am on the fight in defending music education. Again. And...
This commonly shared game is a fun guessing game for students, a great way to work on Low La, and show music from the Comanche/Otoe tribes. Both tribes were around the Great Plains area which may be why there is a similar game from both nations. Positionality: I have...
Putting music on the staff can start as early as 1st grade with students, and even younger if you are talking about high/low. Changing up manipulatives is a great way to keep lessons feeling fresh when you are using them often. Here are five staff manipulatives to use...
Post Office is a fun game that is perfect for practicing decoding rhythms and patterns and even works as assessments. Take a look at how you play this fun game which is perfect for quick individual assessments! Set Up: Print pattern cards, cut, and place them all in...
You all know around here I love my kid’s books. Someone actually called me the book lady recently! As the posts have piled up, I thought it would be a great idea to put them all in one place for easy access! I’ll continue to update this list as I make more...
I’m a busy music teacher located near Metro Detroit, MI. I help busy music teachers who want highly engaging materials for student led learning so they can take time for themselves.
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