Pentatonic Turkey Talk Game

Earn 4.00 Reward Points

This fun game is perfect for centers around Thanksgiving time, or to play in teams as a class.

38 pages – Zip


This fun game is perfect for centers around Thanksgiving time, or to play in teams as a class.


  • 28 Solfege cards
  • 4 Gobble Cards
  • 4 Create Your Own Cards
  • Color and Black and White options

How to Play

  • To play, students can work individually or play for a team. They pick a card and read the solfege pattern.
  • If they are correct, they get a point for their team.
  • If they pick the card that says “Gobble!”, they play it on an instrument. OR if you do not have this set up in your class, they may get a ‘free point’ for their team. (Or you can make it a put back a card!)
  • If they are incorrect their team loses a point.

Other Uses:

  • Pick a card and play on barred instrument
  • Arrange turkeys to create a song
  • Print multiples and sing to find your partner
  • Use the blank turkeys to make your own pattern


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