A perfect game for Springtime
Sets of cards with rhythms (which work for whatever system of counting that you use!)
The teacher plays or says the rhythm, students go find the flower with the correct rhythm. (Similar to Post Office)
❊ 166 pages of rhythm cards 664 cards in all! – stick & regular notation
❊ Directions for gameplay
❊ Ta, TiTi, Ta Rest, Tiri Tiri, Tiri Ti, Ti Tiri, Tam Ti, Ti Tam, Tim Ka, Syncopa, Six Eight
Springtime Find the Flower {Bundled Set}
Springtime Find the Flower {Ta TiTi}
Springtime Find the Flower {Ta Rest}
Springtime Find the Flower {Tika Tika}
Springtime Find the Flower {Tika Ti}
Springtime Find the Flower {Ti Tika}
Springtime Find the Flower {Syncopa}
Springtime Find the Flower {Tam Ti}
Springtime Find the Flower {Ti Tam}
Springtime Find the Flower {Tim-ka}
Springtime Find the Flower {Six Eight}
More Rhythm Resources
Four Corners {Rhythm Bundle}
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