Songs for Diverse Age Classes

First, let me say if you haven’t used YouTube for things besides watching videos of cats, and old television clips, you are sorely missing out! (Although I do love bloopers…!)  YouTube has become a place for educational sharing.  For me, this is one of the places I reach out when I need an idea. I don’t have a ‘department’ that I can speak with unless I try to track down other teachers in private schools within my district.  This can be really difficult as I meet them at a meeting prior to the school year and then never see them again, and there is unfortunately a decent amount of turnover, so people I think I may remember have disappeared by the next school year.  Really, in most ways, I am my own department.  So when I need an idea, one of the quickest ways for me to find a new song, or a dance I have trouble translating from page to movement (really…it’s mostly this!) YouTube is one of the quickest ways to get the info I need!

I have some diverse age classes at two of my schools (in other words K-2, 3-4, 3-6, etc.)  Finding things for them to do can sometimes be a challenge.  I don’t want some students bored while other struggle.  I always look for diverse songs that will cover several things at once since I only see the classes for either 30 or 45 minutes a week.  This year, at their spring concerts, the kids are all going to perform at least one dance if not more.  I’m really excited for it, as it is something very different than I’ve done before with them.  I’m also working on picking music that involves rhythm sticks routines for the kids.  I
I thought I’d share a few of the songs we are doing:
First, for some of my younger classes, this variation on Bow Belinda – it’s a great way to move to the beat and work on Right and Left.

Next, a rhythm stick routine for Sarasponda.  This will definitely be fun for some of my older students!

Last one – a dance for my middle level students that I know they will love! I can’t wait to teach the Troika!!  I think this is a great dance for those boys that are just getting close to the age where dancing is at the “critical point” – or the time when they will either continue to enjoy it, or to start rejecting it.  

I’m always looking for more multi-age ideas, so leave your favorites in the comments! 



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