Spring seems like a long way a way but for those of us who prep student concerts, we know that concert season starts way before that date is a glimmer in families’ calendars. One of the most time intensive parts of teaching students the lyrics to their songs. If...
Singing in parts is always a big deal. The first time your students do it, they feel super accomplished! But in reality, part work is something you can do with even your Kindergarten students. Canons and partner songs seem like the obvious answers, but there are ways...
So…if you are online this year, there are some BIG questions. (Or in person, or both…but let’s tackle one thing at a time). We didn’t sign up to teach this way, but here were are. How can you sing in a digital environment with issues like lag,...
Vocal Explorations are one of the best ways that we can help kids find their singing voice. But kids can get tired of the same old, same old…so I thought I’d go over some the best ways to keep it fresh! (Some affiliate links – won’t...
With the growing list of things we think we might not be able to do, we are looking at not being able to do a lot of the things that are a big part of what we love about teaching general music. You may want to give up (I know there’s a part of me that does...
This 3-part post was drawn from my presentation for the Michigan Kodaly Educators in September of 2019. Solfege…even the most quiet whisper of the word is enough to awaken our PTSD from undergrad and sight singing and ear training. All kinds of music...
I’m a busy music teacher located near Metro Detroit, MI. I help busy music teachers who want highly engaging materials for student led learning so they can take time for themselves.
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